
Understanding how the GDPR is structured, requires an understanding of the key terms at play.
Please refer to the GDPR definitions from the UK Information Commisioner’s Office (ICO) for a comprehensive overview.

During maintenance of this site, some terms may be higlighted below for convenience.

  • Purpose limitation (NL: doelbinding)
    • Be clear about what your purposes for processing are from the start.
    • Record your purposes as part of your documentation obligations and specify them in your privacy information for individuals.
    • Only use the personal data for a new purpose if either this is compatible with your original purpose, you get consent, or you have a clear basis in law.
  • Data Residency – Juristiction (country) in which data is stored
  • Model Clauses – a service provider that commits contractually to the Model Clauses gives its customers assurance that personal data will be transferred and processed in compliance with EU data protection law. Use of the Model Clauses also means that customers need to get fewer approvals from individual data-protection authorities to transfer personal data outside the EU.